Young Woman of Achievement

In 1985, YWCA created an awards program to recognize young women for their volunteerism, commitment to community, and leadership. Since then, we have honored more than 240 students from Clark County high schools for their efforts to build a stronger, healthier, and more vibrant place to live. We are fortunate to offer scholarships as part of the awards because of the generous contributions of Soroptimist International of Vancouver.

We are dedicated to recognizing the efforts of community members who support our mission through leadership and community involvement.

2025 Young Woman of Achievement ↘

Application now open!

  • Eligibility

    Applicants must be 12th grade seniors in Clark County who identify as women.


    The online application will be available Monday, March 3rd and due on Thursday, April 10th at 4:00pm. All application materials must be submitted by the deadline for an application to be considered.

    How to Apply

    On 3/3/25 the online application can be found on this webpage. There will be a form for the applicant to complete and a reference form. All applicants will need two references, only one of which can be from a teacher. It is the applicants responsibility to ensure their references complete and submit the reference forms by 4/10/25 at 4pm. Again, the applicant form and two reference forms must be submitted by the deadline for an application to be considered.

    Applicants are evaluated on their demonstration of the following:

    Outstanding achievement in volunteer and school leadership roles.

    Community involvement in addition to required community service at school.

    Demonstrates leadership qualities.

    Serves as a role model (based on reference letters).

    Demonstrates a commitment to YWCA’s Mission.


    The winning applicant will receive $1,500 scholarship toward their college tuition.

    For more information contact Allissa Cornell at or 360-906-9146.

  • Complete the application form here.